Cambridge Local First

Cambridge Local First


Our friends at Cambridge Local First wrote a wonderful article about our solar installation, Iggies Bread and Cambridge Savings bank. When we installed our solar array we worked with a couple other local businesses to make it happen. It’s always best to keep business local and within your community. Cambridge Local First is a great organization and I suggest you check them out. Cambridge Local First is a non-profit network of locally owned and independent businesses formed in October 2005 to build a strong local economy and a vibrant community. We’ve been a member since not too long after that and have found CLF to be a great resource. We’ve met many other great local business people, learned skills and knowledge. Having a voice and an advocacy group pushing for local business is so vital for our community.

Check out the article here:

Cambridge Savings Bank

We’ve been banking with CSB since we opened. I’ve personally been banking with them since 1999 and can’t imagine a better bank. It was only natural when it came time to get a loan for our warehouse that we worked with them. I’d strongly recommend that any local business who needs funding or banking checks with CSB first. Through them we also started working with Bay Colony Development who manage the SBA portion of the loan. BCD where organized, friendly and helpful throughout the whole process and we can’t thank everyone involved enough. Our primary contact at CSB was Jessica Kouyoumjian who was absolutely excellent. We also had the help of Lori Orchanian of Coldwell Banker who we’ve known for years and has always been a good friend and contact for us.


Our solar array:

green rooftop solar and mini split, arlington, ma

green initiantives: intelligent labor and moving rooftop solar install, arlington, ma, 02476
